Ruurlo (G): St. Willibrordus (P.J.H. Cuypers, 1868-1871)

catholic church of Ruurlo was paid for by Th.J.M.H. baron Van Dorth tot Medler,
a brother of the barones who funded the construction of a church and several other catholic
buildings in nearby Kranenburg over a decade earlier. These buildings in
Kranenburg had been designed by P.J.H. Cuypers, and the same architect was
commissioned to design the new church of Ruurlo.
Cuypers designed a one-aisled neo-Gothic church
with a rectangular choir and a modest tower. The walls of the nave are low, but
two traves are heightened with pointed gables on both sides to allow for a few
large windows. In 1878 Cuypers used the same principle for his church in Nes op
In 1937-1938 the St. Willibrordus was extended
with simple side-aisles, designed by Joh. H. Sluijmer.