Groessen (G): St.
church of Groessen combines elements from different
architectural styles. In the 12th century a Romanesque church was
built. Little is known about this old church, of which only the tower
remains. This tower is made of tuff and is nicely decorated in
typically Romanesque style.
A new pseudo-basilican church in Gothic
style was built in ca. 1500. Of this church only three traves of the
nave are left. Apparently this church had become too small by the
1930's, and a drastic enlargement was needed. In 1932-1933 H.W. Valk
replaced a part of the church with a big new transept and a new choir,
along similar lines as the St.
Willibrordus in Eersel (NB) that he had enlarged a few years
earlier. The church had now been transformed into a christocentric one,
with the altar standing at the crossing of nave and transept, a type of
church that matched perfectly with the liturgic ideas of that time and
of which Valk built many. The crossing is illuminated by windows in a