(G): St. Remigius

oldest part of the St. Remigius is the tower, which was built in the
12th century and is in Romanesque style, wittness the many decorative
arches. It is built of tuff but was
heightened in brick in a similar style in ca. 1500. At that time the
three-aisled pseudo-basilican nave was built. This part of the church
has an outside layer of tuff, which possibly came from its predecessor.
Because Duiven was part of the catholic Duchy of Kleve at the time of
the Reformation, the church always remained catholic. In 1910-1911 the
church was drastically enlarged by architects J.Th.J.
Cuypers and J. Stuyt,
who replaced the Gothic choir by a new eastern
part, consisting of a double transept, a new choir and a sacristy.
While transept and choir are in neo-Gothic style, the sacristy is not
but rather combines several traditional rural styles.