Zutphen (G): St. Johannes de Doper or Nieuwstadkerk

Also unofficially known as Nieuwstadkerk, the church of St. Johannes
de Doper, as this official name suggests, was returned to the catholics
after they were granted freedom of religion. Not many medieval churches
in the northern half of the country were returned to their rightful
owners but this one did, in 1806 to be precise. After ten years of
much-needed repairs and restorations it could be consecrated again in 1816. The
protestants kept the other medieval churches, including the prestigious
St. Walburgis.
The St. Johannes was built for the parish of Nieuwstad, which was
founded before 1272. Nieuwstad was a settlement just outside the walls
of Zutphen, ruled by its own local government. In 1313 Nieuwstad became
part of Zutphen. Of the original church nothing remains; the oldest
parts of the current church, the three lower segments of the tower, the
central aisle of the nave and the first trave of the choir, date from
ca. 1300. The tower was heightened in ca. 1439, the spire dates from
1439-1442. The choir was enlarged in the mid-15th century. In the same
period the first three traves of the southern side-aisle were built,
followed shortly after by the fourth. The northern side-aisle was added
in ca. 1500. The formerly one-aisled church was thus rebuilt into a
hall-church. After a fire early in the 16th century the roofs were
replaced and both side-aisles were lengthened with a fifth trave.
During a restoration in 1927-1928 a portal was added to the western
facade of the southern side-aisle. The sacristy at the south side of
the choir probably dates from the same period.