Varik (G): old tower

Of the medieval church of Varik
only the Gothic tower remains. Its short but robust appearance
has earned it the name of Dikke Toren ('fat tower'). It's position
at a dike near the river Waal gave it the function of a beacon
for shippers centuries ago.
It dates from the 15th century and is three segments tall. The
lower segment is of tuff, the second is of tuff and brick and
is richly decorated and the upper segment is of brick only, but
still nicely detailed. On top is a spire from 1844. The stair-turret
is in three similar segments too.
The church was demolished in 1912. Whether this was the original
church is unknown. Old pictures show a very small building that
does not match the tower. The building now standing next to the
tower according to some sources is not a church, although its
neo-Gothic details suggest it is, but rather the accomodation
of some society.
In the 1990's the future of the tower became uncertain. It was
in a bad state and as usual politicians hurried to suggest its
demolition. Thankfully, these sad people didn't get their way. |