Millingen (G): St. Antonius van Padua (W. te Riele, 1913-1914)
The catholic
church of Millingen is a
cruciform basilica in neo-Gothic style. It was built on the location of
an older and much smaller church built in the 19th century which itself
replaced a medieval church on the same location. The current church was
designed by architect W. te Riele, who took an unusual approach to
neo-Gothicism in much of his work. Unconventional is the location of
the tower, on top of a chapel next to the transept. This transept
is at an unusual postion as well, being located roughly halfway the
nave instead of in between nave and choir. The nave is wide and has
narrow side-aisles. The choir, which is narrower than the nave, has an
ambulatory with two chapels. The side-walls of the nave and the walls
of the transept and the choir are decorated with friezes with mosaics
filling the arches.
In 1945 the church was damaged. Although the actual church mostly
suffered some scratches, the upper half of the tower was lost. When the
church was repaired after the war the tower was rebuilt shorter
and in a simpler form designed by B.W.A. Goddijn. The rest of the
building is mostly in its original state; only the facade lost several
niches and other details in the 1960's and now looks much smoother than
it originally did.