Etten (G): St. Martinus (J.Th.J.
Cuypers, 1923-1924)

St. Martinus was built as a replacement for a church built in 1844. Although
Jos. Cuypers is usually mentioned as its only architect, it is not unlikely he
designed it in conjunction with his son P. Cuypers jr.. The two architects had
worked together since 1920.
The St. Martinus is a three-aisled cruciform church in a style that combines
elements of neo-Gothic with Expressionism. Not unusual for Cuypers, the
side-aisles consist of chapel-like traves, each with a roof square on that of
the nave. The transept is similar but bigger all around. At the front,
integrated in the facade, is a tower with a saddle-roof. At the back is a
polygonal choir. In contrast to the exterior, the interior is quite ornamented
and colourful.
In 1987 a chapel was added to the north side.